The past 10 days have been fun as the spring bird migration is going happening. On April 20th I went out birding in the morning over to the Meadows in West Cape May. I saw a
Greater Yellow Legs(1) and a
Killdeer feeding in one of the ponds. Then across the way was a pair of nesting
Mallards. I decided to snap a pictures of them and when I downloaded the pictures I found that there were 3
Wilson Snipe(2) in the background. What a cool surprise! Then along the side of the path a
Glossy Ibis(3) also came out to feed.

I went home for a while and in my back yard was a
Brown Thrasher(4). Later in the afternoon I decided to go up to the Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor. I had heard there was a path that you could walk along to view the marshes. My sister Jenny was visiting so she went along with me. Before we arrived we saw a
Little Blue Heron(5),
Osprey, Great Egret and
Snowy Egret. Walking the path we saw many Greater and Lesser Yellow Legs(6),
Willets(7), more Egrets,
Forster's Terns (and some birds I couldn't ID) feeding in the wetlands. At the end of the path is a viewing platform where a couple from Vermont were scoping out some birds. They showed us some
Whimbrel(8) and some female
Boat-tailed Grackles(9). Nest we checked out the beach in Stone Harbor but the wind had picked up and it was really getting cool. We ended the day driving along the causeway by Nummy Island and seeing yet more great birds. The weather was great & the day was wonderful because I saw 9 new species of birds I had never seen before.