Back in mid May, I saw an article in the Cape May County Herald titled
"Want To Get Wet Tagging Horseshoe Crabs?" As I read the article, I learned they were looking for volunteers to go out to Kimbles Beach Rd on several specific evenings after sunset to tag the horseshoe crabs. The evenings targeted were the night before and after the full and new moons in May. I couldn't do the first 2 dates but the second 2 dates were open. I called Jenny and asked her if she'd like to join in the fun. The first night we went was May 31st. As the sun is setting, the representative from the Fish & Wildlife Service explains the procedure for the tagging. Then you break up into groups of about 5-6 people and off you go down the beach. The later it gets at night the more horseshoe crabs pile onto the beach at the high tide mark. We tagged 225 Horseshoe Crabs that first evening. I could have stayed longer but most of the group was ready to go. The first night there were 1250 crabs tagged in all.

I had such a good time the first evening I recruited friends, Charles and Danielle. I also mentioned it on FB and friends, Sheri & Barry came up from Baltimore to help out. Our group had about 7 people in it and we tagged 300 Horseshoe crabs. Even though there were less than half the volunteers on that second night there were still an impressive 1000 crabs tagged. Both nights were AWESOME!

When a tagged horseshoe crab is spotted you are asked to call and report the sighting. These sighting help the biologists studying them track their movements. It also allows the scientists to update their information on that crab. Horseshoe crabs have been tagged since 2001 in NJ.