I spent all day yesterday birding Higbee Fields. Surprisingly, it's not a place I bird very often yet the birds are often plentiful. Some of them were happy to pose for me but most played hide and seek. The most seen bird was the
Yellow-rumped Warbler, AKA "Butterbutt" and there were 100's, if not 1000's, of them around. This fall the Eastern Cedar trees are full of berries. In the back field along the edges I saw a group of 7
Flickers together up in a snag that scattered when a hawk flew in. There were several
Brown Creepers, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays.

There were kettles of birds overhead including an adult
Bald Eagle, Turkey and Black Vultures and different species of
Hawks. Other species seen were
Palm Warblers, Pine Warblers and Catbirds.

Lots of variety in
Sparrows were seen -
White-throated, Song, Chipping and Clay-colored but they tend to be shy about having pictures taken.