Lots of Snowy Owls are invading this area, which as I understand it, is further South than they are usually found. Brig reported a Snowy Owl yesterday of which Don Freiday got some great pictures. Fiday was the annual post Thanksgiving trip to Brig and I thought about going but with so much else going on I stayed home. Then I heard a report of a Snowy at the Point so off I went. Stopped at Nummy Island but nothing much seen. Walked up along the free bridge looking out both sides. On the spit were about 2 dozen American Oystercatchers, some Dunlin, Sanderlings, other peep, some gulls and in the water a flock of Brant. On the south side there were King Eiders. Off to the Point where I walked the jetty which had mostly Sanderlings and Dunlin with a few Ruddy Turnstones. Then the walk out to the Point where I got about 1/2 way and met up with some birders who pointed out the Snowy Owl in front of me. The views were awesome. The owl was just beautiful. My pictures just don't do it justice so I hope to go back and get better pictures. Also got to see a flock of Snow Buntings flying but not really any close up looks. After I left the Point I tried the Meadows for closer looks at the Snow Buntings but nothing!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Yard Bird #70 ~ Red-tailed Hawk
I was watching and enjoying the birds feeding in my backyard when a hawk swooped in and grabbed a Dark-eyed Junco. He sat on the fence about 10 ft from the house to eat it. When he perched I was able to ID the bird as a Red-tailed hawk. Normally I see Cooper's Hawk picking off my yard birds and not very often at that but who knows what happens while I am at work. (pictures were taken through the window so the quality isn't as good as I'd like)
My Yard ~ Rufous Hummingbird ~ Day 23
The Rufous Hummingbird first seen in my yard on November 2nd stopped by for a visit this afternoon. Since I am at work most days I am unable to tell if it's been coming by during the week. The hummingbird apparently has also been seen in another yard about 1/3 mile from my house as the crow flies. The birding experts who came out to document the hummingbirds took pictures and recording of both of them. They came to the conclusion that the Rufous Hummingbird is just one bird and is sharing both habitats. Luckily, I still have some canna's blooming along with the pineapple sage. Since we are predicted to have a freeze tonight I have no idea how long the plants will last.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Florida Wrap Up

It was a wonderful 4 day trip to Florida - a state I haven't visited since 1976. Now I am excited to plan another trip here. We saw turtle, frog, lizards plus Gopher Tortoises. I saw 8 new species of birds along with life bird #300 which was a Roseate Spoonbill. In total we saw 70 species of birds; 15 species of butterflies with 10 life butterflies. We also saw many American Alligators and Manatees.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Florida ~ Sawgrass Lake Park

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Anhinga |
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Tri-colored Heron with a snack |
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Green Heron |
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American Alligator |
American Alligators,
Green Heron,
Tri-colored Heron
Florida ~ Fort DeSoto
One of my motivating factors in visiting the Tampa area was the chance to visit Fort DeSoto. Looking at all of the pictures taken there make me envious of the great and different birds than what we see here in Cape May County. I was disappointed to go to the park this AM and find the North Beach is closed because they are making a movie there. We did get to see the Shorebird Restoration Area. Among the shorebirds we saw a Reddish Egret (life bird) which was a target bird for me plus a Long-billed Curlew, a species I really love. Some of the other shorebirds we saw were Western Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, Piping Plovers, Wilson Plovers and Snowy Plovers. An added bonus was a group of Magnificent Frigatebirds flying over the causeway as we left the park.
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Reddish Egret |
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Long-billed Curlew |
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Wilson's Plover |
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White Ibis having lunch |
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Magnificent Frigatebird |
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Florida ~ Honeymoon Island State Park
Then off we drove to Honeymoon Island State Park. There's a causeway over St. Joseph's Sound leading to Honeymoon Island. Along the causeway we saw shore birds feeding along the edge of the water including Short-billed Dowitchers, Yellow Legs, Dunlin, plovers and sandpipers, gulls and terns. We only had about 1 1/2 hours to explore before the park closed. First stop was the beach which was all shells and no sand but the shells were really neat so we had to collect some of them. Then it was off to the Osprey Trail for a hike. There were some Ospreys but there were lots of Gopher Tortoises feeding along the path. There were also 2 turtles fighting each other. What fun to watch! We saw a Kestrel from a distance. I wish we'd had more time but maybe someday I'll get back there.
Florida ~ Green Key

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Yellow-throated Warbler |
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Red-bellied Woodpecker |
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Dunlin |
Florida ~ Hillsbourgh River State Park

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Carolina Satyr |
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Gulf Fritillary |
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Barred Yellow |
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Dorantes Longtail Skipper |
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Long-tailed Skipper (missing it's tail) |
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Florida ~ Sand Key

After an awesome lunch with Cindy and her son Josh, Bernie and I took a drive along Gulf Avenue along the beaches from Treasure Island to Clearwater Beach. Over in Clearwater Beach there were hundreds of people walking around and cruising the roads so we backtracked to Sand key Beach. Another one of the suggested sites on the Florida Birding Trail we really enjoyed out time on the beach. As we were driving out we found a fresh water pond that also had some birds so we parked and took a walk around the pond. On the beach were Royal Terns, Sandwich Terns, Forster's Tern, Sanderlings, Semipalmated Plovers, Dunlin, Black-bellied Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, Snowy Egrets and again some unidentified peep due to distance and not having a scope. Diving for fish were the terns and the many Brown Pelicans. They are so much fun to watch. Back at the parking lot we saw Palm Warblers, Mourning Doves and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Walking around the pond we were treated to close looks of Egrets, Common Gallinule, Tri-colored Heron, Yellow-crowned Night Herons and Black-crowned Night Herons, Wood Stork, Eastern Phoebe, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
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White Peacock Butterfly |
We were also treated to looks at many White Peacock Butterflies, Phoan Butterflies and Cassius Butterflies along with a Monarch Butterfly. Nature is so great!
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Cassius Butterfly |
Florida ~ Treasure Island Beach

Late morning we had an date to meet an Internet friend of mine. Cindy and I play Words with Friends on FB and have fun doing so. When the opportunity came up to meet her and have lunch together we both jumped on the chance.
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Sandwich Tern |
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Western Willet |
Friday, November 15, 2013
Florida ~ E.G. Simmons Park & Cockroach Bay Aquatic Preserve

Both of these sites are on the Florida Birding Trail which is where I found the information on possible places to bird while in Florida. At the first park we had nice views of an Anhinga (life bird) before I spooked it. We also saw lots more Pelicans, and Osprey along with Laughing Gulls and 2 Sandwich Terns. Then we stopped at Cockroach Bay Aquatic Preserve which was great and had some nice birds in spite of having some off and on drizzle. Driving in we saw Loggerhead Shrike (life bird) and White Ibis (life bird). Among the birds on the wires were Double-crested Cormorants, a Red-shoulder Hawk and Cattle Egrets. There were several pond areas that held birds including 2 Anhinga, Great and Snowy Egrets, American Coot, Tri-colored Herons, Pied-billed Grebe, Great Blue Heron's. I had great close up looks of about 6 Common Gallinule. We also drove over to the headquarters where there is a walking path but since we were running out of time we didn't get to walk very far. There we saw Roseate Spoonbills (life bird #300), Wood Stork and lots more plus some unidentified shore birds as we didn't have a scope. We ended the day with 32 species.
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Loggerhead Shrike |
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Common Gallinule |
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Osprey with dinner |
Common Gallinule,
Laughing Gull,
Loggerhead Shrike,
Tampa, Florida area ~ Tampa Electric Company's Manatee Viewing Center

Ever since I started birding I have wanted to visit Florida. On Facebook I have "liked" Fort DeSoto and several other great birding areas so decided since I had 6 days off from work I would make my dreams a reality. I flew off to Florida with my friend Bernie at 7:30 AM, we arrived mid-morning, picked up our rental car and drove south to the Tampa Electric Company's Manatee Viewing Center. They have built 2 boardwalks through the mangroves. The first one we walked had great looks at several dozen Manatees. Whereas when we camped as children I might have seen a manatee, I don't remember it. Walking the second boardwalk we saw fiddler crabs scurrying along the ground plus saw a Little Blue Heron and a Great Blue Heron. Out along the bay we saw our first of over a dozen Osprey flying along with some Brown Pelicans. When leaving Bernie spotted the first butterflies of the trip. There were two, very worn butterflies that looked like Great Southern Whites but could also be a Florida White. They also have a trail that looked good but was under repairs so we couldn't get on it.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Yard bird #69 ~ Selasphorus Hummingbird

Three days ago I thought I saw a hummer in the back yard but it was about dusk and when I got outside to take a picture of the bird I couldn't find it. Then yesterday the hummer was out and about in my yard but unfortunately, it was really hard to take pictures. Today, was the charm when I captured these images. I am waiting on an ID from 2 expert birders. The hummer was still here late this afternoon.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Dyehards Fall Postcard Swap
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