41 species since 2022 I moved to my new home. 36 species for 2024, 4 new species of butterflies were Pipevine Swallowtail, Long-tailed Skipper, Ocola & Common Sootywing. 8 butterflies had full lifecycles with eggs laid on their host plants to eclosing from their chrysalises. Most common butterflies here are Eastern Tiger swallowtail with up to 10-12 daily, Variegated Fritillaries, and Silver-spotted Skipper. And, while I will never have the number of species or the high numbers of within some of the species, it's a good start especially as I am in a HOA community with a pretty limited area to garden. Another wonderful addition to my garden is having good numbers (up to 6 per day) of Snowberry & Hummingbird Clearwings for about 6 -8 weeks.
Long-tailed Skipper |
Ocola Skipper |