Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunshine Quilting - Raffle Blocks

There are so many ways to be involved in charity quilting.  Our online Sunshine Quilters guild has a block raffle every month.  There is a monthly list of colors and for every 2 blocks you make and send, your name goes into the pot once.  The blocks are split two plies -one to Sunshine and one to the winner unless designated to be all for the charity tops.  At the end of the month a winner is chosen from those who want to be in the drawing.  The winner gets whatever blocks are to go to her and she can do anything she wants with them though most use them for more charity quilts.
 Tammy who runs the block raffle keeps all the blocks designed for Sunshine and makes them into tops for the children to whom we send quilts.  So Tammy helps out, the block makers help out and the raffle winner helps out.  This sure is a win-win for everyone but especially the children!  Here are 5 of my raffle blocks for February.

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