Monday, January 22, 2024

Cochranville ~ Horned Larks ~ Life Bird #499

Coming home from my trip, I was 2 species short of 500 species seen for the United States.  I would have loved to seen more new species while on my 10 week trip but it wasn't to be.  So when I heard there were Horned Larks in Chester County, I knew that with the snowfalls we'd had this past week, they would be more visible in the farmer's fields. So off I went yesterday to look for them.  I found a flock about 50 about 4 miles from my home.  I was able to get some pictures but the quality wasn't the best.  I went back today and found them again though not in the same fields as yesterday. It was also a smaller flock.  Pictures in the cold are more difficult and again the images aren't as crisp as I 'd like but you will see the "horns" on the birds.


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