Off to Northwood Center where I walked along the road. First bird I saw was a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Then I saw a bright yellow bird that flew from the front feeder area over to the Cedars. I followed it down the road for about not knowing it was a Prothonotary Warbler until another birder came by and saw it.

Shortly after Vince mentioned what the bird was we saw an Osprey swope down into the cedars twice though I don't think he took any birds. Next I saw House Finches, Tufted Titmouse, American Robins, Blackbirds, Northern Cardinals, Grackles and Crows before walking back towards my car and going the other way where I found Palm Warbler, House Sparrows and many more Yellow-rumped Warblers.

Then it was off to the State Park for a short stop where the Purple Martins are nesting.

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