I had a fun day last week sailing on the Skimmer with my neighbors, Mike and Mindy, and their son. The weather was warm and sunny until we started back to the dock and the wind picked up a little. Had a great viewing of a Great Egret catching small fish for his lunch and then having the devil of a time getting it swallowed. Everytime he tossed it back into his mouth, it would look like he was swallowing it but out the fish would come and land back on the ground. This went on for at least 5 minutes before we sailed away. Next birds up were Laughing Gulls, Willets, American Oystercatcher, Double-crested Cormorants, a Common Loon in breeding plummage, and Osprey including a couple where LOVE was in the air! There were Great Black-backed Gulls, female Hooded Merganser Ducks, Bufflehead Ducks, Brant and other birds I have probably forgotten. Captain Ed and Captain Ginny are wonderful hosts. They are so knowledgeable about the Salt Marsh and the back bays that I learn something new each trip I take. This trip I was hoping to see some Whimbrels up close and personal but it was not to be. Of course, there will be more trips in my future.
I am so enjoying your pictures of birds. Your photography is just wonderful and the variety of birds you capture is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!
Kathy, I am having a great time taking the pictures. I wish I could retire and go out birding some everyday!
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