For several weeks I have been going over to the point to find the Red Crossbills and I haven't had any luck which is usually what happens to me when I try to "chase" a bird. Today I decided to just go over and see whatever crossed my path. I started my morning at Alexander Avenue beach where I found my brother-in- law birding with a group of friends from PA. In 27 years I have never run into him by accident. There were about 8 birders peering through their scopes over the ocean. Turns out there was a Dovekie in those scopes and graciously let me have some looks also. This as a life bird for me. After we split up I went up to the beach access at St Pete's and was thrilled to get some great looks at a flock of Red Crossbills that were feeding in the pines along the dunes. They stayed for about 10 minutes before the flock just up and flew away down the dunes.

From there I went our on the beach by St Mary's to see the Common Eiders and the immature King Eider that having been hanging out near there the past few weeks. I had good looks but poor pictures as the light wasn't good and they kept moving further out in the ocean. So then it was over to the State Park where I saw a total of 6 butterflies. 3 of them were Red Admiral Butterflies while the other 3 I was never close enough to ID. This butterfly sure is worn with lots of chunks of wings missing. I also saw the Bafflehead Duck that has been in one of the ponds for a few weeks - again good looks but not good on the pictures between the light and the distance away from me.