Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kayaking with Brooke & Stacie - Cape Island Creek

One of the fun things about living in CMC is kayaking in the back bays.  I just haven't had time to  kayak this spring because of working and when off of work creating new butterfly gardens for my front yard.  This weekend friends were down so kayaking Cape Island Creek was planned.  What a fun time we had 
seeing Common Terns (above) Great Egrets (left), Snowy Egrets, Osprey and Osprey chicks,
Cormorants on poles, many Green Herons hunting along the edges of the creek, Clapper Rails calling with one bathing in the creek, hundreds of Fiddler Crabs, Gulls catching crabs for breakfast  and lots more birds.
Green Heron
Clapper Rail bathing
Broooke kayaking
Stacie having fun!


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