Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Patagonia, AZ ~ Paton's Center for Hummingbirds

Back in 2015 Al, Jenny and I took a trip to AZ in the fall.  One of our stopping points was spending time in Patagonia so we could visit Paton's Center for Hummingbirds.  I had 5 life birds here including 3 hummingbirds.  Usually by fall, the birds have lost their spring alternate plummage and are much more drab.  I was quite happy to arrive and find that all of the hummingbirds were decked out in their spring's finest courting apparel.  Here I saw 5 species of hummingbirds including Violet-crowned, Anna's, Broad-billed and an occasional Costa's and Black-chinned Hummingbirds.  It was a delight. But besides hummers there are many other birds seen at Paton's.  I loved seeing the Summer Tanager with the male decked out in his red feathers and the female in her yellow ones.
Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Summer Tanager - Male

Summer Tanager Male

Summer Tanager - Female

Southeastern AZ ~ Broad-billed Hummingbirds

Here's a selection of Broad-billed Hummingbirds for you to enjoy.  Taken at several places the past 2 weeks.

Tucson, AZ ~ The Quilt Basket

A visit to another quilt shop on my way from Tucson to Patagonia.  Little shop but had lots of classes offered.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Tucson, AZ ~ Tohono Chul Fiber Arts Show

When I was getting ready to leave I was asked if I had seen the show.  I had not so I went up to the museum area.  This was a fabulous display of talent.  I had the wrong lens with me and no cell phone with me so couldn't get photos of every piece.

Tucson, AZ ~ Tohono Chul revisited

This hummingbird has spines from a cactus stuck in her abdomen.
Today's visit was going to be a bird walk but since we were walking with a herpetologist, we covered lots more than just birds.  It was a great walk. A view of a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake but not to close was included.   There are many species of lizards at the park.  And many butterfly species were flying and laying eggs.  I was amazed to find a hummingbird with spike of cactus stuck in its belly.
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

Zebratail Lizard

Desert Spiny Lizard

Giant Swallowtail Butterfly

Empress Leilia Butterfly

Fatal Metalmark Butterfly

Pipevine Swallowtail Eggs.  Many butterflies in the swallowtail family seen
but none stopped to nectar in my view.

Texan Crescent Butterfly
Unknown Skipper possibility is Orange Skipperling

Tucson, AZ ~Tohono Chul ~ Anna's Hummingbird with Babies

Taken on 4/27

Feed me, Mom, Feed Me

Baby Anna's Hummingbirds on 4/29