Friday, April 26, 2019

Superior, AZ ~ Boyce Thompson Arboretum ~ Butterflies

I had so much fun at BTA that I wanted to return and explore the butterflies.  There were literally hundreds of them flying around and rarely did one perch so I could take picture.  There were Swallowtails by the bushel full with the most common known to be there are the Pipevine Swallowtail and the Two-tailed Swallowtail.  There were whites, more whites along with tons of yellows - I could ID the Checkered White along with the Sleepy Yellow and Dainty Sulphur but there were probably some Southern Dogface in with them.  Blue's were flying everywhere also.  I saw a single Common Buckeye and a Red Admiral which is said to be an infrequent butterfly to the arboretum.  Here are the few images I was able to take.
Red Admiral

Checkered Skipper

Checkerspot of some variety

Empress Leilia

Texan Crescent - by the hundreds!

American Snout - I saw at least 10 of them - amazing!

Reakirt's Blue

Square-spotted Blue

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