Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Beth's Patch ~ Red-spotted Purple Life Cycle

First time seeing a Red-spotted Purple Butterfly lay eggs on a cherry tree in my yard.

Close up of the egg ~ 9/2/19

Even closer - what a neat looking egg

There were a total of 9 eggs that were laid.

Then, success and 5 caterpillars were found on 9/10/19.  This is the leaf and the caterpillar eats from the end of the leaf into the middle.

Close up of very tiny caterpillar

Second of the 5 caterpillars that were hatched.

Growing but still very tiny ~ less than 3/4" long and 18" wide.

Getting larger but only one caterpillar is left

They are said to resemble bird poop and I would agree with that statement.  That is supposed to give them some protection from predators.  They ate for 3 weeks never getting very big but then...

Finally,after 21 days of eating the caterpillar has turned into a chrysalis. 10/1/19

To become a wonderful Red-spotted Purple Butterfly


C said...

we have a picture of the common checkered skipper from your garden on 10/14/19
if you want a copy? Mike did not get a photo of the hair streak.

Beth said...

Just saw your comment. Trying to keep up but it's hard. Thanks for the offer. I did see one a day later so did get some snaps of it.