Sunday, July 19, 2020

Beth's Patch ~ Center Back Garden and the Branch!

Our neighbors were cutting down a tree in late June and since we are always on the lookout for good branches to use in our gardens for interest, Jenny went over to talk to them.  They welcomed us to take any branches we wanted except they weren't sure what they were going to with the branch pictures below.  It's big and heavy.  Jenny & I can't lift it by ourselves.  The neighbors usually use larger branches for their smoker.  We lucked out as not only did they give us the branch, the drove it from their house around the corner to our house.  Then they carried it and left it in our back yard.  SCORE!  Initially, it was in front of the garden.  When a friend came over to pick up some plants, we hijacked her to help us move it to where it is in the garden.

My garden has a creature living in it?  What do you think it is?  We decided it's a Sea Serpent since we live by the water.

Catbird using the branch as a perch.

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