Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Beth's Patch ~ Tropical Storm Isaias

We were hit by Tropical Storm Isaias today .  It came ashore as a hurricane in NC and then picked up speed.  It had winds between 60 and 70 MPH here at my home.  The front end of the storm wasn't too bad and I thought all would be OK... until the back end hit with most forceful of the winds.  We were lucky because up farther in the county a tornado started as a water spout on the ocean and came ashore.  It cut a path of destruction from Ocean City, NJ into/through Marmora.  I thought the windows, doors and front of my house were going to blow in at times but fortunately they all held.  Here's my Hackberry Tree being blown over to about a 50 degree angle.  Of course, my gardens have sustained a great deal of damage from the winds. The whole storm lasted about 7 hrs and then there was a gorgeous sunset.

Hackberry Tree


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