Sunday, January 28, 2024

Getting back into Fabric Dyeing

Two weeks ago. it was snowing at this time. Then, 4 days later later we had more snow.  What's a girl to do but pull out her dyeing supplies?  I haven't dyed for almost 2 years, when I did some while renting my friend's summer home.  We had two10" to 12" snows the January I lived there.  I've been in my new home since May 2022 but haven't gotten around to doing any dyeing.

This house doesn't have a basement, which is where I did my dyeing before I sold my house.  I have to mix the dye solution in a bathroom and then, bring the bottle of dye into the kitchen where I can use the island to work. Works well for me.  I did some snow dyeing and then, some values - light, medium & dark of new dyes I bought a year ago. I dyed 6 pairs of bamboo socks.  Next, I did a light value 12 step color wheel between the colors Firecracker, Goldfinch, & Cornflower Blue. After that, I just played with light value dyes to use them up.  

Today, my plan is to mix up either 1 or 2 bottles of each primary color.  Then, I'll do another color wheel and some playing around over the next few days.  I also need to find some time to make a birthday postcard.

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