Saturday, January 11, 2014

Winter's backyard

Not many places for the birds to hide in my backyard on those cold, blustery days so I hunted some Christmas trees.  I brought 7 of them home with my favorite being a blue spruce.  It seems heavenly and looks great.  I have placed 2 by the patio window which is where I'd put the top of a blue spruce last year that my neighbor gave me.  Then I build a little brush pile along the back of the garage and added 3 trees there.  Good for days when the winds are blowing from the South.  Lastly, I have framed in the waterfall with 2 of the trees.  The waterfall has been awesome.  I bought a heating disc to put in the bottom of it which keeps it running even when the temperatures get to 10 with wind chills in the minus range.  I also put up a new pole for the bird feeders.

1 comment:

The Quilting Elf said...

Awesome ideas to help the wildlife in your area ... you are a special person to think of them as we continue to destroy habitat with construction. Bless your heart.
Kathy T. in Tampa