Saturday, August 31, 2019

Beth's Patch ~ Amazing Common Buckeye Butterfly's

Back in September 2010, I saw the largest migration of butterflies I have ever seen with Monarch's, American and Painted Ladies and Common Buckeyes passing through Cape May Point State Park.  It was a magical sight.

Then on May 2nd, 2012, there was large migration of primarily Red Admirals, American and  Painted Ladies coming from the south and flying north to NW.  It followed a smaller migration the preceding day.  A local naturalist, Don Frieday estimated that close to a million butterflies flew through Cape May County that day.

Today, I had well over 65 Common Buckeyes in the yard.  It was magical.  That is the highest number of any butterfly in the yard other than Monarchs, of which I have good numbers of each fall.  I have some hyssop and mountain mint on the back bank in a 2' by 5' area and there were over 20 CB's just in that small area.  The pictures didn't do the area justice.  The butterfly species count for the day was 23.  There were also several species of caterpillars.

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