Thursday, October 1, 2020

Cape May Point ~ A Great Morning

It's been months since I have been out birding but the winds were favorable last night to bring in fall migrants on their way South.  I decided to go over to the Cape May Bird Observatory Northwood Center.  2-3 years ago, they cleared out the invasive vegetation on their property, build a blind and several paths to walk.  It's not a large property but everyone had masks  and were good about social distancing.   There were so many wabers,and other birds it filled my heart with joy to be outside and birding again.  Here's hoping for a few more great days of birding this fall  before winter sets in with long cold days.

American Redstart

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Northern Parula Warbler

Northern Parula Warbler

Northern Waterthrush

Red-eyed Vireo

Drake Wood Duck


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