Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Edwin Forysthe National Wildlife Drive - reopened

Last fall Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of NJ, NY and up into New England .  Atlantic County was hit with a vengeance and the Edwin Forsythe National Refuge took a big hit.  The Refuge had over 700 boats come into the refuge with the surges of water that Hurricane Sandy brought.  There were all kinds of containers , grills and trash that also came in.  The surges breached the fresh water impoundments pouring salt water from the ocean into them.  The wildlife drive was washed out in several places and had to be rebuilt.  As you can imagine this took quite a lot of time and a good bit of money but the reopening celebration was May 18th.  The afternoon of May 20th I was able to drive up to the refuge and take a drive around the 8 mile drive.  Since spring migration is underway I saw lots of shorebirds plus Clapper Rail, Ospreys, several types of sparrows, Glossy Ibis, Willets, Common Terns, Snowy and Great Egrets.  here are some of the pictures

Ruddy Turnstone


Short-billed Dowitcher

Semipalmated Plover

Glossy Ibis

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