Saturday, August 26, 2023

Lancaster County Butterflies ~ Holtwood Nature Perserve

 I was shocked to go back and find the main field with butterfly weed and other wildflowers has been mostly cut to the ground in prime season for the butterflies. I was told by a Nature Conservancy volunteer, they planted them by mistake instead of the grasses they received a grant to plant so are the staff are cutting everything now so they can replant in Oct. Very sad not to wait another 4-6 weeks.  Below are some of the butterflies from the day.  I missed missing any Zebra swallowtails but happy to see mating Sleepy Orange.

Mating Sleepy Orange

Great Spangled Fritillary

Summer Azure

Orange Sulphur

American Lady

 Eastern-tailed Blue 

Monarch Caterpillar

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Clouded Sulphur

Great Spangled Fritillary

Pearl Crescent

Clouded Sulphur

Common Buckeye

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