Saturday, September 29, 2012

Berkeley Arboretum & Strybing Arboretum

Today we spent about 4 hrs at the UC Arboretum and Botanical Gardens at Berkeley.  These gardens are spread out over 34 acres and overlook Strawberry Canyon which overlooks the San Francisco Bay.  It is part of the University of CA at Berkeley.  It is said to have one of the most diverse collections of plants in the USA.  While there we saw some great flowers, lots of hummingbirds, some Scrub Jays, Towhees, Lesser Goldfinches and other birds and wildlife.

This afternoon was spend at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens that are part of the Golden Gate Park.  The gardens cover 55 acres of ground and has more than 7500 specimans of flora which makes it one of the largest gardens on the West Coast.  It is also a magical place for hummingbirds.  We saw beautiful flowers, birds including hawks looking for their next meal in an unspecting bird, other wildlife and incredible trees.


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